The Dohne Merino Breed Society continues to take part in expos and information days to share information about the industry and also to discuss various topics of interests to breed Dohne Merinos. The main events the Dohne Merino breed participated in included: Nampo Cape, Alpha expo at Parys Free State, “Kragdag” east of Pretoria and Aldam Livestock School.
Nampo Cape held at Bredasdorp, remains the Dohne Merino breed’s main exhibition opportunity. This year an excellent AI sire and two ewes, one with a quadruplet and one with a triplet of Mr Boeta Wessels, were displayed
Mr Danie Bruwer took responsibility for the Alpha Expo as well as the “Kragdag” exhibition and presentation at Aldam Livestock school. Mr Bruwer, South Africa’s 2018 national intensive small stock farmer of year, also held an intensive small stock farming workshop at Alpha expo, which was attended by 80 participants. Congratulations to all Dohne Merino breeders who received awards from SA Studbook for the accuracy and promptness in submitting data as well as efficient use of breeding values to improve their flocks! This expo will possibly be moved to the venue of Nampo, Bothaville, on account of the size thereof.
The “Kragdag” expo was also very well attended and provided the opportunity to demonstrate Dohne Merino farming to farmers from North West, Mpumalanga and Gauteng.
The latest scientific developments in stock farming are communicated to livestock farmers at the Aldam Expo. It was a privilege to communicate the newest developments in Dohne Merino breeding in the presence of other prominent small stock breeds. Thank you to Mr Danie Bruwer who provided his Dohne Merinos for the purpose of the demonstration.
The meeting of Region 5’s breeders, is becoming a major event on the Dohne Merino Calendar. This year’s meeting took place at the University of the Free State and information on topics ranging from genetics to feeding physiology and small stock diseases were discussed by experts in their fields.
ther information days of note included one at Kaallaagte close to Bethlehem, Brandfort (Nello stud), The course at Kromspruit Dohnes (reported on under courses) and a Dohne Merino demonstration for the Grootfontein Agricultural College’s students.
Die Dohne Merino Telersgenootskap neem jaarliks op ‘n gereelde basis deel aan expos en inligtingsdae. Die doel hiermee is natuurlik om inligting oor die wolskaapbedryf met telers en belangstellendes te deel maar ook om die jongste verwikkelings rakende Dohne Merinoteelt te komunikeer. Die hoof-geleenthede het vanjaar ingesluit: Nampo Kaap, Alfa expo te Parys, Vrystaat, die Kragdag oos van Pretoria en Aldam Veeskool.
Nampo Kaap wat in Bredasdorp gehou is, bly die Dohne Merino ras se hoof uitstalgeleentheid. Vanjaar het Mnr Boeta Wessels ‘n uistekende KI-vaar en twee ooie, een met ‘n vierling en een met drieling-lammers daar uitgestal.
Mnr Danie Bruwer het verantwoordelikheid geneem vir die uitstallings by die Alfa-expo sowel as die “Kragdag” en die Aldam Veeskool. Trouens Mnr Bruwer, Suid Afrika se intensiewe skaapboer van die jaar vir 2018, het ‘n werkwinkel oor intensiewe skaapboerdery by die Alfa-expo aangebied waaraan 80 boere deelgeneem het. Baie geluk aan alle Dohne Merino telers wat toekennings van stamboek ontvang het vir die tydige en akkurate indiening van hulle data asook die doeltreffende gebruik van teeltwaardes om hulle kuddes te verbeter. Hierdie ekspo gaan moontlik na Nampo, Bothaville, verskuif word vanwee die omvang daarvan.
Die Kragdag-ekspo was uitstekend bygewoon en die Dohne Ras kon bekend gestel word aan boere uit die omgewings van die Noord Wes provinsie, Mpumalanga en Gauteng.
Die heel nuutste wetenskaplike ontwikkelings in veeteelt is by die Aldam-ekspo bespreek. Dit was ‘n voorreg om die jongste metodes van Dohne Merino teelt, in die teenwoordigheid van ander prominente kleinveerasse te kommunikeer. Groot dank aan Mnr Danie Bruwer wat goedgunstelik sy Dohne Merinos aangery het om met die demonstrasie te help.
Die vergadering van Streek 5 se telers is vinnig besig om ‘n hoogtepunt op die Dohne Merino kalender te word. Vanjaar se byeenkoms het by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat plaasgevind. Aspekte uit regoor die spektrum van vakgebiede van genetika tot voeding en fisiologie asook kleinveesiektes is deur kundiges van die universiteit behandel.
Ander inligtingsdae wat vermeld moet word, sluit in die een by Kaallaagte naby Bethlehem, Brandfort (Nello-stoet), Die kursus by Kromspruit Dohnes (Gerapporteer onder kursusse) asook die Dohne Merino Demonstrasie aan die Grootfontein Landbou Kollege Studente.