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Dohne Snippets

Recently office of the Dohne Merino Breed Society was requested to select the “best ewes” of a specific breeder according to official records. This breed is known for not treating animals artificially and maintains a lambing percentage of 135 percent (Eastern Cape Area). A total of 23 ewes (20 percent) were selected out of a total of 115 ewes that had four (74 ewes) and five chances (41 ewes) to reproduce. These 23 ewes produced a total of 171 lambs of which 133 (77.8 percent) were Multiples. Out of these Lambs a total of 120 sheep (70.2 percent) were selected as A or AA animals at two tooth stage. The office assumes that there are numbers of similar or even better examples of real Dohne excellence out there amongst our breeders.