On the 22nd of February 2017, Blydskap Trust held their extremely successful annual production sale. The 67 rams on offer were all sold at the average price of R11820. Mr. Bertus Mong, Elgin bought a potential stud sire of extremely high quality at the highest price of R62000. The following photo was supplied by curtesy of LANDBOUWEEKBLAD.
Photo L/R : Laurie Pohl (Farm Manager PP Mong Trust, buyer), Bertus Mong (Buyer, Elgin), Jan van Deventer (Seller, Blydskap Trust), JG van Deventer (in front), Jan-Wessel van Deventer with Wiehan van Deventer, Jerome Booysen (Sheep Manager, Blydskap Trust), Appie Maritz (Auctioneer, BKB, Paarl) and Charles Witbooi (holding the ram)