After the World Dohne Merino conference, 2016, Argentina, negotiations at various levels, took place to enable the export of South African Dohne Merino genetic material to the South American market (dominated by Australian Dohne Merino breeders). After Mr Daniel Groves identified an Argentine breeder interested in South African genetics, a delegation from Argentina visited South Africa. The delegation headed for CRUX Dohnes with similar farming conditions than their own enterprise in Argentina. After identifying ewes suited for the Argentine purpose, the delegation visited a number of Dohne Merino studs in South Africa before departing for home. Interestingly, the South American choice of embryo donors did not match that identified by the South African breeder and inspectors. The actual export was facilitated by GeneCo AI station. Frans and Willemien Jooste pursued this task in an tenacious manner to comply to all veterinary protocols and accompanying red tape. Daniel Groves and Ivon David Roberts performed the same arduous task in Argentina to obtain the necessary authorization.
The end result is that after three years, the first Dohne Merino lamb from South African genetics was born at Estancia Los Flamencos, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina as reported by Mr Bekker, CRUX Dohnes. It is trusted that this export will open the doors to similar actions by breeders from South Africa and South America.