Please note the following changes to, and detail of events on the Dohne Merino calender for 2019:
- The Swarco sale of Michael Swart and his team was changed to take place on the 12th of June at Caledon in conjuntion with the Caledon Veetelers Sale. It is trusted that this change will be to the benefit of the Swarco stud and its cliënts. Michael Swart was incidentally involved in the founding and development of the Caledon veetelers sale and with the quality of the Swarco rams on the 2019 sale, it promises to be a special occasion!
- Take note that the Breed Society’s main course for breeders and inspectors will take place at the Dohne office, Stutterheim from the 27th of February to the 1st of March 2019. We encourage all new members of the society to attend the course in order to become familiar with the necessary society procedures to be followed. The practical part of the course is of particular importance for breeders and ram buyers alike to empower themselves with the latest tools to combine information on measured traits together with visually appraised traits when breeding Dohne Merinos. The Practical sessions will be performed at Mr. Richard Armstrong’s stud in the Cathcart district. Apart from the course fee of R700, own transport from Stutterheim will be required. Please make your booking to provide for course material and catering.
- The newly established Trinity Dohne Merino stud (founded two years back when Jaco Burger and his Father, Johan Burger, split up) will be staging its first sale on the 28th of January. The sale will take place on Jaco’s farm in the district of Wepener. It is contemplated that between 30 and 40 rams will be available.
- The Charlton stud of Mrrs. Phillip and Dix Erasmus will hold its first production sale for 2019 on the 15th of February. This stud provide excellent veld-adapted rams to the industry (Absolutely no artificial feeding or preparation before the sale). These rams can be aquired on basis of their true breeding values under veld conditions!
- At the start of 2019, we became aware that Voermol, one of the main sponsors of the Dohne Merino Breed Society, was awarded with six PMR Africa Diamond awards. Well done and a great thank you to this main sponsor of Dohne Merinos!
- Please note that the National sale result for the Pleasant view stud of Mr. Clark Rattray was erroneously omitted from the National sale ranking on page 57 of the 2018 Dohne Merino Journal. The result for Mr. Rattray, is that he sold four rams at an average price of R45500. The Pleasant View stud should therefore be listed in the sixth place after the Weska stud of Mr DH Wessels.