Council would like to welcome and congratulate our two newly appointed classers to the association, Brad Wilson Dubbo NSW and Stephen Chalmers Kerang VIC. Both these gentlemen are well known in the livestock industry as agents for Nutrien Ag Solutions. A big thank you to Allan Casey for writing and conducting the theory section of the classers assessment. You can find contact details for all ADBA Approved Classers on our website at

Annual General Meeting Report
The AGM was held on Wednesday June 22 at the Quest Albury after the Coonong Sire Evaluation Field Day, Urana. Thank you to all members that were able to attend either in person or via zoom.
Congratulations to appointed President Rachel Browne (WA) for a second term, newly appointed Vice President Greg Hall (SA) and Councillors John Nadin (NSW), Don Mills (NSW), Darren Gurnett (Vic), Lynda Farrow (SA) and Murray Rogerson (Vic) for a second stint.
Council sadly farewells Rhys Parsons and thanks him for his time and hard work on council. Rhys was awarded life membership of the ADBA for his 8 years of service as a councillor. John Nadin was also awarded life membership for his 10 years on council serving as either President or Vice President for this period.

Coonong Sire Evaluation Field Day and Debrief Report
The Coonong open day for progressive results was conducted Wednesday 22nd June. The day included around 60 interested visitors and several industry display stands. Whilst the weather on the day reflected mid-winter conditions and in shearing shed preparation, made sure that visitor comfort and dry sheep ensured. Data has previously been collected on AI, preg scanning, DNA testing and lamb marking. Weaning weights, post weaning, weights, EMD, Fat, and for wether lambs, fleece traits and trait scoring have been collected and reported as firstly raw data and then flock breeding values. The wether lambs were processed at Gundagai meats, where dexa measurements recorded results for hot dead weight and lean meat yield. Samples of randomly selected lambs for all sire progeny were also collected for meat eating quality (MEQ) testing at university of New England (UNE) and results will be reported upon completion. A big thank you to Jim Meckiff securing the grant for MEQ. Ewe data for post weaning and yearling position have been included in the interim report compiled for the Coonong open day event. Final progeny results will be published following ewe shearing later in June. At this stage final progeny raw data and flock breeding values will be reported in Merino Superior Sires edition 28 published in October 2022. The Dohne association would like to congratulate all sire evaluation participants on their participation in the trial and commitment to genetic improvement through sire evaluation. Data reported through this trial will challenge and assist in validating current Dohne trait ASBV’s and index’s, when reported through Dohne Data base at Sheep Genetics. Data reported through AMSEA sire evaluation has provided industry leading accurate sire performance information since the late 1980’s and continues to evolve as requirement for new breeding traits and index’s demand. Once final progeny performance data is reported and produced later this year, the trial will move into reproduction phase. Ewe progeny will be mated later this year and conception and rearing traits will be recorded. Funding for this phase of the trial, and an adult mating (second mating) will be hopefully secured later this year. Information collected and reported through this sire evaluation trial will provide information in present sire reports, but will also give valuable benchmarking information on within stud sire performance.
Don Mills – Convenor, ADBA Coonong Sire Evaluation

National Dohne Liftout
Just a reminder that the 2022 National Dohne Liftout comes out in newspapers on Thursday 7th July make sure you get a copy of this publication. A big thank you to Australian Community Media (ACM) for assisting the promotional committee with this Dohne Liftout. This publication will be printed in the following newspapers:

Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo VIC
Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July
Dohne Marquee Program:
Friday 15 July
8.30 am – Fleece judging
9.30 am – ASBV explanation and fleece judging overview (overjudge) – Longerenong Ag College
10am – Fleece judging – Longerenong Ag College
11.30 am – Sheep judging overview (ADBA overjudge) – Longerenong Ag College
12.00 – Sheep judging – Longerenong Ag College.
1 pm – Lunch
2 pm – Longerenong Ag student judging explanation
3.30 pm – Awards ceremony
4 pm – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
5.30 pm – Close
Saturday 16 July
9.30 am – ASBV explanation and fleece judging overview (ADBA overjudge)- Moama Grammar
10am – Junior Fleece judging – Moama Grammar
11.30 am – Sheep judging overview (ADBA overjudge) – Moama Grammar
12.00 – Sheep judging – Moama Grammar
1 pm – Lunch
2 pm – Moama Grammar student judging explanation
3.30 pm – Awards ceremony
4 pm – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
5.30 pm – Close
7 pm – Informal member dinner
Sunday 17 July
9 am – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
4 am – Close