Australian Sheep & Wool Show – Dohne Marquee
July 14 – 16
All roads lead to Bendigo on July 14 for the premier sheep show in Australia.
As a prequel for the Dohne as feature breed in 2024 we have received a record number of sheep nominations.
Thank you to those studs that replied to our expression of interest. Your response is important in determining the marquee size which has now been ordered. Those studs that responded to the expression of interest will have priority if space becomes limited.
Once again, we will be focusing on our educational program with fleece and sheep junior judging involving Longerenong Agriculture College and Moama High School.
The exciting news is that we have 2 international sheep judges (South Africa & Argentina) and a visit of approximately 18 Uruguayan Dohne breeders.
Sheep entries close on Friday June 16 through the Australian Sheep and Wool website.
As the ASWS entry form doesn’t allow for individual tag numbers it is a requirement that all exhibitors email their tag numbers, DOB, shearing date and the class entered so that we can order scrag tags for the judging. Please email entry details by June 16 to
The final program of events and further information will be emailed to members later in June and will be in our July newsletter.

Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the ADBA has been set for Saturday, July 15 in Bendigo, to coincide with the Sheep and Wool Show. Members are invited and encouraged to attend. The Shamrock Hotel will be the venue, with the AGM roll in at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. A selection of finger food will be provided and bar facilities are available for those who would like refreshments.
Promotional Committee Update
The Australian Dohne Breeders’ Association in conjunction with Australian Community Media will be running a Dohne Feature on the Thursday July 6, in the following ACM newspapers; Farm Weekly, Stock Journal, Stock & Land, The Land, make sure you grab a copy. If you haven’t yet booked advertising please do so ASAP.
As well as the Dohne Feature the promotional committee has been working on updating the Dohne Handbook.
These handbooks will be available at Dohne Marquee at the Australian Sheep and Wool Sheep at Bendigo VIC.