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Dohne Australia – March 2023

Council Face to Face Report
It was fantastic to have the full complement of Councillors present for the F2F 2023.
The major topic was the presentation and discussion of a Strategic Plan for the ADBA moving forward. The final report is currently being prepared by Kate Brabin (AOK) and members will be informed of outcomes and actions in due course.
As most of you would be aware, our long standing Secretary for the ADBA, Cameron Hills, has moved on to alternative employment and we are yet to be appointed a replacement. In light of this, I implore you to be patient with the Council as we try to navigate the secretarial duties required in the absence of an appointed Secretary.
The Promotional Committee is working hard once again to assist members with your advertising requirements through the ADBA and you will receive correspondence in regard to advertising opportunities for 2023.
Please note that the AGM is scheduled to coincide with the ASWS in Bendigo, with the date being set for Saturday 15th July, 7pm at the Shamrock Hotel. More details will follow, but hopefully we can have a good turnout and Council looks forward to delivering a number of outcomes from the strategic planning process.

Back Row – Cameron Hills, Don Mills, Lynda Farrow, Greg Hall, Darren Gurnett, John Nadin
Front Row – Murray Rogerson, Rachel Browne

Farewell to Cameron Hills
It is with regret that on behalf of the Australian Dohne Breeders Association I bid farewell to Cameron Hills, our esteemed and highly capable and respected Secretary.
Cameron commenced with the RAS and was appointed to the position in 2017, delivering a professional service to members and council for a period spanning seven years.
With poise and organisation he approached his role with complete due diligence and I believe Cameron had a genuine belief in, and desire for the Dohne breed to continue its’ success.
Cameron moves on to an Executive role within the Australian wine industry and on behalf of the ADBA I wish to thank him for his years of service in his role and the friendship to those fortunate enough to know Cameron as more than just a Secretary.
Good luck Cameron and all the best for your new position.

Cameron Hills

Dohne Rams Sales Results
Sale report and photo on behalf of the Land newspaper.

Alfoxton On Property Ram Sale, Armidale NSW
75 rams sold to $3750 and averaged $1861.
Full Sale Report – Click Here

Justin Bloch and Phil Hurford, CL Squires, Inverell with Brian Shaw, Bahati Park, Armidale and Alfoxton principal Chris Clonan and the $3750 top priced ram. Picture by Simon Chamberlain.

Harewood Annual On Property Ram Sale, Armidale NSW
36 rams sold to $2400(x2) and averaged $1538.

Tablelands Dohne Rams Sale, Guyra NSW
10 rams sold to $4400 and averaged $1550.
Full Sale Report – Click Here

Auctioneer, Brian Kennedy, Elders Armidale, with Josh Frazer, Tablelands Dohnes, top-priced ram buyer Chris Clonan, Alfoxton, Armidale, and Wayne Jenkins, Elders.