Councils’ Annual Face to Face Meeting – Council will conduct the annual face to face meeting on Monday 20 June and Tuesday 21 June in Albury NSW. This provides the opportunity for sub committees to present researched recommendations to council. If any members have topics/issues that they would like council to address at this meeting please email Cameron Hills
Annual General Meeting – The AGM of the ADBA will be held on Wednesday 22 June at 7pm in the Fallon Conference Room at the Quest Albury, 550 Kiewa Street Albury NSW, to coincide with the Coonong Sire Evaluation Field Day that day. Members are invited and encouraged to attend.
Coonong Sire Evaluation Trial Post-Field Day Debrief
On Thursday the 23rd of June, the Association’s Council has decided to hold a Coonong Sire Evaluation Trial Post-‘Field Day’ Debrief meeting in the Fallon Room at the Quest Apartments in Albury (550 Kiewa Street, Albury) from 9.00 am that all ADBA members are invited to attend. It will give members an opportunity to provide feedback to both the Sire Evaluation Trial Committee and the Site Manager; Jim Meckiff. The Debrief will include several presentations on the Trial, however the Council is especially pleased to advise that it has arranged for a guest presenter; Kate Brabin, former CEO of Certified Australian Angus Beef to address this meeting from 11.00am to share her extraordinary insights and experience in the Australian livestock industry.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Trial sponsors; Stockbook, Shearwell, Central West Artificial Breeders, Riverina Wool Testers, Jake Eurey, Gundagai Meats, and AWI.
The ADBA Council is confident that this Trial will prove to be of significance to the development of the breed and hopes many members will be able to attend the Coonong Sire Evaluation Trial Field Day on the Wednesday, and contribute to the Coonong Sire Evaluation Trial Post-‘Field Day’ Debrief meeting on Thursday.
Coonong Station Sire Evaluation Field Day Update
The ADBA 2021 Drop Sire Evaluation is in full swing with data collection now completed on the wether progeny and the ewes classed in preparation for the Field Day at Coonong Station Urana.
On Tuesday 24 May 427 wether lambs were processed at Gundagai Meat Processors with 210 of these undertaking further detailed Meat Eating Quality analysis at UNE Meat Science Laboratories in the coming weeks. The whole consignment was measured for DEXA Lean Meat Yield % & IMF%. A high proportion of the draft received a IMF% bonus payment in line with the Gundagai Lamb grid. Sire means and group performance will be displayed at the Field Day.
Thank you again to the Coonong Station team for keeping the sheep dry, which was no easy task given the weather conditions and forecast leading into classing. On Wednesday 1 June the classing crew, with no less than 12 people involved in the trait collection and Mid Side Sampling were undertaken on the single day. The data collection is now complete and PW Wether and Yearling Ewe information will be displayed at the Field Day.
The committee has received plenty of enquiry about the results and performance of the Dohne Sires & Poll Merino Link sires which include a sire ranked in the top 2% of Merinoselect. The committee looks forward to presenting the ewes and report findings so far at the upcoming field day at Coonong Station Urana Wednesday 22 June, please book at

Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo VIC
Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July
Dohne Marquee Program:
Friday 15 July
8.30 am – Fleece judging
9.30 am – ASBV explanation and fleece judging overview (overjudge) – Longerenong Ag College
10am – Fleece judging – Longerenong Ag College
11.30 am – Sheep judging overview (ADBA overjudge) – Longerenong Ag College
12.00 – Sheep judging – Longerenong Ag College.
1 pm – Lunch
2 pm – Longerenong Ag student judging explanation
3.30 pm – Awards ceremony
4 pm – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
5.30 pm – Close
Saturday 16 July
9.30 am – ASBV explanation and fleece judging overview (ADBA overjudge)- Moama Grammar
10am – Junior Fleece judging – Moama Grammar
11.30 am – Sheep judging overview (ADBA overjudge) – Moama Grammar
12.00 – Sheep judging – Moama Grammar
1 pm – Lunch
2 pm – Moama Grammar student judging explanation
3.30 pm – Awards ceremony
4 pm – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
5.30 pm – Close
7 pm – Informal member dinner
Sunday 17 July
9 am – Informal within stud exhibitor judging
4 am – Close

Bill Mildren Final Farewell
Sheep classer stalwart Bill Mildren passed after a long illness on June 9 2021.
Although Bill had no official capacity within the ADBA he was a founding advocate of the Dohne and worked with many Dohne studs over a 20 year period including; Uardry , Koonik , Calga , DD, Havelock Park , Stirling , Glenaroua , Kardinia and Macquarie. Bill gave his lifetime to serving the sheep industry.
Bill’s memorial service will be held at Glenleigh Chapel, Deniliquin NSW on Friday 10 June at 1pm.