Fellow Dohne breeders and farmers
It is the natural mating season in a large portion of our country and the meticulous ram selection of a previous few months needs to bear fruit now. Everything that has taken place regarding ram choices and purchases is at the point of being put to the test. Yes, this season’s lambs will possibly develop into top stud sires in a year or two’s time. I sincerely trust that your rams are without any suspicion, because believe me, the fruit thereof will be borne.
This brings me back to our National Sale! In my opinion, one of the best in years with rams of good average merit and rams of high quality of which the breeders and our breed can be proud.
We again request breeders and inspectors to please ensure that rams meet current breed standards. It is extremely important to council and industry alike, that the integrity and the values of the breed as one of the leaders of the wool industry, be maintained and respected, not only locally, but also internationally. I can from own experience, attest to the fact, that if you have any doubt about a ram, rather leave it at home. We as breeders have a mandate as well as a responsibility to main-tain and I can assure you we will not deviate from it. We will reap the benefits in the long run.
Council is currently considering an “all in one” service provider as the result of many contributing factors, amongst other things, costs, ageing software, possible future personnel situations etc. I would like to reassure you that every possibility is being carefully considered and investigated. We will not consider short term gains at the cost of long term losses. At this stage we are very happy with extremely efficient and happy personnel, but this does not mean that we can sit back and wait for “one day”. The world out there moves fast and we do not want to be left behind as trying to catch up could cost us dearly if we do at all.
Thank you to everyone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, for your contribution in keeping the Dohne on the forefront of the world’s woolled sheep farming.
Happy farming and enjoy your sheep.