For more than 50 years Voermol Feeds has been enabling farmers to strategically feed their livestock in order to maximize their return on investment. Voermol produces a complete range of quality molasses based products which are scientifically balanced to meet the nutritional requirements of ruminants during various production stages and on all types of grazing. At the heart of the process, is the drive for efficient animal production.
Voermol Voere het vir meer as 50 jaar boere in staat gestel om hul vee strategies te voer vir maksimum rendement op hul belegging. Voermol produseer ’n volledige reeks kwaliteit melasse gebaseerde produkte wat wetenskaplik gebalanseer is. Hierdie produkte voldoen aan al die voedingsbehoeftes van herkouers tydens verskeie produksie stadiums en op alle weiding tipes. Die kern van die proses is die strewe na doeltreffende diere produksie.
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